sweet /swit/ adverb, noun –adjective
1.having the taste or flavor characteristic of sugar, honey, etc.
2.producing the one of the four basic taste sensations that is not bitter, sour, or salt.
3.not rancid or stale; fresh: This milk is still sweet.
4.not salt or salted: sweet butter.
5.pleasing to the ear; making a delicate, pleasant, or agreeable sound; musical.
6.pleasing or fresh to the smell; fragrant; perfumed.
7.pleasing or agreeable; delightful.
8.amiable; kind or gracious, as a person, action, etc.
9.dear; beloved; precious.
10.easily managed; done or effected without effort.
11.(of wine) not dry; containing unfermented, natural sugar.
12.(of a cocktail) made with a greater proportion of vermouth than usual.
13.sentimental, cloying, or unrealistic: a sweet painting of little kittens.
