The exact opposite of light. The absence of light, and in humans often the absence of heart.
The exact opposite of light. The absence of light, and in humans often the absence of heart.
This is all about connecting a word to a photograph. Exploring what a word means and how we can express it.
1. | having very little or no light: a dark room. |
2. | radiating, admitting, or reflecting little light: a dark color. |
3. | approaching black in hue: a dark brown. |
4. | not pale or fair; swarthy: a dark complexion. |
5. | brunette; dark-colored: dark eyebrows. |
6. | having brunette hair: She's dark but her children are blond. |
7. | (of coffee) containing only a small amount of milk or cream. |
8. | gloomy; cheerless; dismal: the dark days of World War II. |
9. | sullen; frowning: a dark expression. |
10. | evil; iniquitous; wicked: a dark plot. |
11. | destitute of knowledge or culture; unenlightened. |
12. | hard to understand; obscure. |
13. | hidden; secret. |
14. | silent; reticent. |
15. | (of a theater) offering no performances; closed: The theaters in this town are dark on Sundays. |
16. | Phonetics.
17. | the absence of light; darkness: I can't see well in the dark. |
18. | night; nightfall: Please come home before dark. |
19. | a dark place. |
20. | a dark color. |