Monday, April 13, 2009

Blog update and new rules

Due to some unforeseen issues, I and my partner in crime have decided that we need to change the format of this blog. It became to cumbersome for us to keep up with the picture a day theme. What we will be doing instead is a picture a week. There will be three posts a week. On Monday we will post the definition of the word of the week. The definition will be in the same format as before. On Wednesday we will post our personal interpretation of the word. We will each do this. And on Friday, we will post the picture that will represent our interpretation of that word. We think that whis will work out better for us. And I think that it will give a deeper meaning to the project.

All that said the word of the week this week is:



1. the fact of exceeding something else in amount or degree: His strength is in excess of yours.
2. the amount or degree by which one thing exceeds another: The bill showed an excess of several hundred dollars over the estimate.
3. an extreme or excessive amount or degree; superabundance: to have an excess of energy.
4. a going beyond what is regarded as customary or proper: to talk to excess.
5. immoderate indulgence; intemperance in eating, drinking, etc.
6. more than or above what is necessary, usual, or specified; extra: a charge for excess baggage; excess profits.

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