Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 15 2009

1. to put (something) in a position to obstruct an entrance, opening, etc.; shut.
2. to stop or obstruct (a gap, entrance, aperture, etc.): to close a hole in a wall with plaster.
3. to block or hinder passage across or access to: to close a border to tourists; to close the woods to picnickers.
4. to stop or obstruct the entrances, apertures, or gaps in: He closed the crate and tied it up.
5. (of the mind) to make imperceptive or inaccessible: to close one's mind to the opposite opinion.
6. to bring together the parts of; join; unite (often fol. by up): Close up those ranks! The surgeon closed the incision.
7. Electricity. to complete (an electrical circuit) by joining the circuit elements: The circuit was closed so the current could be measured.
8. to bring to an end: to close a debate.



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